"We strongly believe that the only necessity in life is consistency."
Keeping that in mind, we, the members of RoboTech Club are actively working on a lot of projects. Catch a glimpse of few of our projects below. Prepare to be amazed!!!
Hosted Projects:
Listed below are the projects on which we have been working in the recent times. Click for more details:
Line Follower
A 5 IR Sensor Based Track Follower. Ready for line following events. This guy has fared really well in competitions.
Door Darshan
This is an IOT Powered Smart Access Control System developed for our lab. It is especially handy in the current pandemic situation
Highly mechanized and efficient, this drone can be used for surveillance as well as lifting small objects. Birds BEWARE!!!
Older Projects:
And here are our older projects which we currently don't host in our lab but they speak volumes about our past work.

Made, in collaboration with the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, for an event on the historic occasion of Chandrayaan – II Moon Landing.
The model was put on display, during a series of talks and discussions over the Moon Landing Mission, on September 07, 2019. Made, in collaboration with the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, for the historic Chandrayaan – II Moon Landing.

This robot can sketch images on a sheet of paper, using a pen, mounted on a twin-axis system, typical of CNC mechines. The drawing system is controlled using an Arduino UNO. In the near future, we intend to couple this sketching system, with an image processing unit and make it a robotic Picasso!

"AMaR or Autonomous Multi-utility Rover", is a affordable Robotic System, that can substitute human interference in potentially hazardous scenarios. It can prove to be a blessing in the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Smart Handsfree Sanitizer Dispenser" is an IOT powered device built with the intension of making it easy to manage big number of sanitizer stations across institutes..

Based on a Raspberry Pi 3b, this is a Smart Mirror (largely an implementation of MichMich’s MagicMirror 2.0), which also features Google Assistant, hosts our ownCloud, and is capable of casting phone or PC displays. All other features aside, it compliments you everytime, you look at it. Well, who doesn’t like compliments!

This is a Solid State Tesla Coil (Slayer Exciter), that can output upto 1200 V and lights up fluorescent bulbs, held in close proximity. It can also transmit wireless electricity (~5 V, albeit with lots of noise) to small circuits. Since, the circuit is simple to understand and easy to build, we can use it for educational purposes for common people, interested in understanding wireless power transmission.

This project is the result of a collaboration with the NISER Astronomy Club. It consists of a basic setup, that can detect radio waves, coming from target celestial body, with a maximum frequency of 22 KHz. The main component is a Satellite Dish and a Satellite Finder, used to measure intensity of waves falling on it. At the moment, we can detect Solar Radiation, at an intensity of about 8 dB.Our main objective, with this project, is educational – to learn the analysis of astrophysical data and to raise awareness among people, about radio astronomy.

A Maze Solving Robot is an upgraded version of autonomous line following robot, which is able to follow either a black or white line, that is drawn on a surface, consisting of contrasting colours. It uses IR Proximity sensors with an Arduino Uno, to identify the line, thereby allowing it to stay on the track. This project aims to fine-tune the movement of the robot and enhance the performance, by proper tweaking of the control parameters. The robot experiments with various combinations of trajectories to finally solve the maze and get reach the end.

If you love to make robots and see them rolling in soccer arena, then you’ll love this! This bot can play soccer by dribbling and kicking a ball, though not as good as a real soccer player. Powered by a 12 V Battery Pack, this robot is controlled, using a simple remote control. For movements, it makes use of 4 metal-geared motors (300 RPM) and it uses a 500 RPM geared motor, connected to metal shaft, for kicking the ball. With multiple of these, we can have a marvelous robo soccer match!

We plan to make a 8-bit computer on breadboard, using only simple logic gates. Its main objective would be to understand computer logic at the very basic level and see how things work at that level. It ia a big project, but we would work gradually and make each module progressively, and learn how information is processed electronically. It will consist of various modules, such as, a Clock, Registers, an Arithmetic Logic Unit, an Output Register and a 16-Bit RAM. For more information, check out:

"Scorpion" is the next generation of AMaR, designed to fit into everyday campus life. The bot minds it's own business and does the task it's assigned autonomously.